8 comments on “Python Docs Unity Lens

  1. Cool, can you also make one for Qt / Qt Assistant ?

    Like entering “QString”, press enter and the Qt Assistant with the QString article pops up.
    You can easily open Qt Assistant with the QString article with this command: assistant -showUrl qthelp://com.trolltech.qt.481/qdoc/qstring.html

    Would be really cool if someone can make such a Lens/Scope. I would do it by myself, but I don’t know Python (afaik Lenses are atm only possible with Python ?).

  2. Pingback: Python Docs Unity Lens | Pablo’s Blog « towerysdev2

  3. Before downloading from docs.python.org would it be possible to check for a local python-doc package in /usr/share/doc/python*-doc ? It could work fully offline then. Thanks!

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